Herr AntrimTelling TimeThis week's German lesson for beginners takes us back to the basics for German learners. I show you a bunch of ways to express time in...
Herr AntrimShoppingToday's A1/A2 listening comprehension video is about shopping in Germany. In this video you will learn about sizes of shirts and pants,...
Herr AntrimPresent Tense PassiveToday's 3 Minuten Deutsch video is about the first of two videos I will be uploading about the passive voice. Today's video introduces...
Herr AntrimPublic Transportation in BerlinDirectly after I finished my bachelor's degree in German, I had an opportunity to go to Berlin for a month and take a course at Humboldt...
Herr AntrimPast Participles as AdjectivesIn keeping with the ongoing theme of adjectives in German, I thought it was time we talked about how to use past participles as...