Herr AntrimNumbers 1-99This week we learned how to count a bit further than last week. Now we can count up to 99 in German. If you want to learn via the video,...
Herr AntrimCounting 0-10This week's A1/A2 Video of the Week is sponsored by HelloTalk. With HelloTalk you can talk with native speakers in your choice of over...
Herr AntrimReflexive Verbs & PronounsThis week's A1/A2 video is targeted at learning the reflexive verbs and pronouns in German. This video is filled with example sentences...
Herr AntrimDative Case SkitAlmost every German teacher approaches the dative case in the same way. They talk about grammar and how the words interact within a...
Herr AntrimKopf, Schulter, Knie & FußAn excellent children's song to learn a few basic body parts in any language is "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes". The lyrics usually...