This week's A1/A2 Video of the Week is sponsored by HelloTalk. With HelloTalk you can talk with native speakers in your choice of over 100 foreign languages including German to learn right from your cell phone. You can chat via text, video and even voice messages. This app allows you to get corrections from native speakers in fun and entertaining way. Download it today and you can even chat with me. Just search for the username is herrantrim.
Today's video stars my adorable daughter Sophia counting to 10 in German and me showing you a variety of ways to remember the numbers. Don't forget to turn on the subtitles by clicking "CC" at the bottom right of the video player. Choose between German and English subtitles.
A long time before HelloTalk approached me about doing a sponsored video, a viewer suggested I do a review of their app. If you are interested in that review, you can see it here.