This week's German song is "Es war eine Mutter". It is a cute little song about the mother of the seasons and what each of the seasons bring. It is sweet and happy. It would make sense for me to talk about seasons and weather and stuff in this blog for this song, but I did that with "Alle Vögel sind schon da". So it makes more sense to do something else with the seasons.
When I think of spring (der Frühling), I think of spring training for baseball (Baseball). When I think of summer (der Sommer), I think of summer baseball games (das Baseballspiel, die Baseballspiele). When I think of fall (der Herbst), I think of fall playoffs and the World Series. When I think of winter (der Winter), I think of the off-season, when no baseball is played in the professional realm. This is because, I am an American. America's pastime (der Zeitvertreib) is baseball. In general, Europeans don't seem to care much about baseball and they usually stick to the things they like, which is soccer (Fußball). This is also true in Germany.
I personally don't watch a lot of sports. I don't go to a lot of games. I occasionally go to a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game and I would love to eventually go to a German National Soccer Team (Deutsche Fußballnationalmannschaft) game. I am a huge fan of Manuel Neuer, the German National Soccer Team's goalie (der Torwart, die Torwarte). I like his style of play and the way he handles himself. Also, he has his own song, which is pretty fantastic.
While I don't watch a lot of sports, I can give you a general rundown of how soccer works and the vocabulary that you will need in German in order to talk about the sport so you can keep up with the Germans you encounter, who will more than likely have an opinion about something to do with the sport of soccer.
Fußball ist eine Ballsportart, die man mit zwei Mannschaften spielt. - Soccer is a type of sport played with a ball, that is played with two teams.
Jede Mannschaft hat elf Spieler. - Every team has eleven players.
Ein Spieler ist der Torwart. - One player is the goalie.
Er steht vor dem Tor und versucht den Ball nicht ins Tor kommen zu lassen. - He stands in front of the goal and tries to not let the ball come into the goal.
Die anderen zehn Spieler versuchen den Ball in das Tor auf der anderen Seite des Felds zu treten. - The other ten players try to kick the ball into the goal on the other side of the field.
Der Ball darf mit dem ganzen Körper gespielt werden, aber nicht mit den Händen und Armen. - The ball may be played with the entire body, but not the hands and arms.
Nur der Torwart darf den Ball mit den Händen berühren. - Only the goalie can touch the ball with his hands.
Das Spiel dauert 90 Minuten und besteht aus zwei 45 Minuten langen Hälften. - The game lasts 90 minutes and is made up of two 45 minute-long halves.
Der Schiedsrichter kontrolliert bei dem Fußballspiel die Einhaltung der Regeln. - The referee controls the observance of the rules during the soccer match.
Es gibt auch noch ein paar Linienrichter (2 oder 3), die den Schiedsrichter während des Spiels unterstützen. - There are also a few linesmen (2 or 3), who support the referee during the game.
Die Mannschaft, die am Ende des Spiels mehr Tore geschossen hat, hat das Spiel gewonnen. - The team, who at the end of the game has shot more goals, has won the game.
Wenn es noch unentschieden ist, kann es so bleiben, aber wenn das Spiel ein Teil eines Turniers ist, kann man auch Elfmeter schießen, um herauszufinden, wer der Sieger ist. - If the game is still tied, it can remain so, however, if the game is a part of a tournament, one can also shoot penalty kicks in order to find out who the winner is.
Now that you know a few of the basics of this game, you can watch the last 15 minutes of the 2014 World Cup (Weltmeisterschaft 2014), in which Germany won during overtime. After 90 minutes of playing, the game was still tied at 0-0. The game then went into overtime. This is played as two 15 minute halves. At the end of the first 15 minutes of overtime the score was still 0-0. That is the point that the video below picks up. The announcers talk pretty fast, but you should still be able to figure out what they are saying by the context of the game. It gets really easy to understand when you get to the goal. :)
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