Herr AntrimA steht für AffeThis week's A1/A2 video is sponsored by FlashAcademy. For just a few bucks each month, you can be on your way to learning loads of...
Herr AntrimImprove German Pronunciation with a SongA long time ago I discovered the song "Alle Kinder lernen lesen", which is a fantastic way to follow up a video about the alphabet, as it...
Herr AntrimKopf, Schulter, Knie & FußAn excellent children's song to learn a few basic body parts in any language is "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes". The lyrics usually...
Herr AntrimWir haben Hunger SongOne of the most searched for videos on my channel is the song "Wir haben Hunger". It is a very simple song, but apparently a lot of...
Herr AntrimGerman Body PartsThis week's A1 video teaches a few of the words for various body parts through the song "Hokey Pokey". The song is linked below, but...