This week's song heralds in the spring season. It is a cheerful song celebrating the return of the birds and their joyous songs of springtime. In this post, I will be teaching you a bit of German vocabulary to go along with the spring season.
Let's start with the months and seasons of the year in German and English.
Januar - January
Februar - February
März - March
April - April
Mai - May
Juni - June
Juli - July
August - August
September - September
Oktober - Oktober
November - November
Dezember - December
Winter - winter
Frühling - spring
Sommer - summer
Herbst - fall/autumn
Spring is known for several types of weather. It rains more often. It is also sunny more often. There are occational rain showers followed by clear, sunny skies and even the occational rainbow. Here is a list of weather vocabulary you might need in this season with a few example sentences.
die Sonne - the sun
scheinen - to shine
Die Sonne scheint. - The sun is shining.
die Wolke(n) - the cloud(s)
der Himmel - the sky
Es gibt heute viele Wolken im Himmel. - There are a lot of clouds in the sky today.
regnen - to rain
der Regen - the rain
der Regenschauer - the rain shower
Es regnet sehr viel. - It rains a lot.
Ich höre gern den Regen. - I like listening to the rain.
Es soll heute einen Regenschauer geben. - There is supposed to be a rain shower today.
der Regenschirm(e) - the umbrella(s)
der Regenmantel(mäntel) - the rain coat(s)
der Gummistiefel - the rubber boot(s)
Wenn es regnet, ziehe ich mir meine Gummistiefel und meinen Regenmantel an, nehme meinen Regenschirm mit, und tanze in der Straße wie Gene Kelly.
der Regenbogen - the rainbow
der Sturm - the storm
Nach einem Sturm sehe ich manchmal einen Regenbogen. - After a storm, sometimes I see a rainbow.
There are also certain animals that are known for coming back during this season. Here are some of the most important words from this genre.
der Hase(n) - the hare(s)
das Häschen - the hare(s) (cutesy little version)
der Osterhase - the Easter Bunny
das Kanninchen - the rabbit(s)
das Küken - the chick(s)
der Frosch(e) - the frog(s)
die Kaulquappe(n) - the tadpole(s)
der Schmetterling(e) - the butterfly(flies)
die Raupe(n) - the caterpillar(s)
der Fuchs (Füchse) - fox(es)
das Lamm (Lämmer) - lamb(s)
die Katze(n) - the cat(s) (female)
der Kater - the cat(s) (male)
das Kätzchen - the kitten(s)
der Hund(e) - the dog(s) (male)
die Hündin(nen) - the dog(s) (female)
der Welpe(n) - the puppy(ies)
der Vogel (Vögel) - the bird(s)
I'm sure that I have left several things off of this list. If you think I should add something to the list, comment it below and I will continue to update this list to make sure that I include more vocabulary for German learners.
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