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Kopf, Schulter, Knie, & Fuß

This week's song is a new version of a video I did a long time ago. It is a translation of the English song "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes". While I could have chosen to sing it with the German word "Zehe", I have found that a lot of other people sing it this way and I find that the word for foot is more helpful to learn than toe. If you haven't seen the song, you can see it below.

Obviously there are other body part words to be learned, but I have covered them in the post from a few weeks ago when I redid the Mr. Potato Head with the German Body Parts video and wrote a blog about it. You can see that here.

I thought it would be better if we talked about some verbs in this blog. Below I have a few example sentences that use German body part vocabulary with some verbs that you might need with each of the body parts.

Ich nicke mit meinem Kopf. - I nod with my head.

Kämmst du dir jeden Morgen die Haare? - Do you comb your hair every morning?

Hans sieht so viele schöne Sachen mit seinen Augen. - Hans sees so many beautiful things with his eyes.

Sophia hört mit ihren Ohren. - Sophia hears with her ears.

Der Hund riecht etwas mit seiner Nase. - The dog smells something with its nose.

Ich stelle den ganzen Keks in meinen Mund. - I am putting the entire cookie in my mouth.

Ich lege den Keks auf meine Zunge. - I lay the cookie on my tongue.

Ich kaue den Keks mit meinen Zähnen. - I chew the cookie with my teeth.

Der Vater runzelt die Stirn - The father furrows his brow.

Ich massiere die Schultern. - I massage the shoulders.

Mit einem Arm kann man etwas werfen. - With an arm one can throw something.

Ich halte den Apfel in meiner Hand. - I am holding the apple in my hand.

Der Lehrer zeigt die Regeln mit dem Finger. - The teacher shows the rules with the finger.

Ich benutze meine Beine um zu laufen. - I use my legs to run.

Mit dem Knie kann man sich beugen. - One can bow with the knee.

Der Fußballer kickt den Ball mit dem Fuß. - The soccer player kicks the ball with the foot.

Die Kinder liegen auf ihren Rücken und beobachten die Sterne. - The children are lying on their backs and are watching the stars.


nicken - to nod

der Kopf, die Köpfe - head

sich die Haare kämmen - to comb one's hair

das Haar, die Haare - hair

sehen - to see

das Auge, die Augen - eye

hören - to hear

das Ohr, die Ohren - ear

riechen - to smell

die Nase, die Nasen - nose

der Keks, die Kekse - cookie

der Mund, die Münder - mouth

stellen - to place, put

legen - to lay

die Zunge, die Zungen - tongue

kauen - to chew

der Zahn, die Zähne - tooth

runzeln - to furrow, frown

die Stirn, die Stirnen - forehead

massieren - to massage

die Schulter, die Schultern - shoulder

der Arm, die Arme - arm

werfen - to throw

der Apfel, die Äpfel - apple

die Hand, die Hände - hand

der Lehrer, die Lehrer - teacher (male)

zeigen - to show

die Regel, die Regeln - rule

der Finger, die Finger - finger

das Bein, die Beine - leg

laufen - to run

das Knie, die Knie - knee

sich beugen - to bow

der Fußballer, die Fußballer - soccer player

der Ball, die Bälle - ball

kicken - to kick

der Fuß, die Füße - foot

das Kind, die Kinder - child

liegen - to lie

der Rücken, die Rücken - back

beobachten - to observe

der Stern, die Sterne - star

For an extra bonus, here is a very old video with Sophia and some body parts vocabulary.

What's next?

Next week I will be uploading another German resource review. The plan is to talk about Learn with Oliver. I used to use that site in class before I switched over to StudyBlue. Learn with Oliver has since updated its site considerably and it is about time I take a second look at it.


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About the Author

Herr Antrim is a German teacher with over 10 years of teaching experience. In 2011 he started his successful YouTube Channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim". In 2013 he created this website to enhance the German language lessons he was providing on YouTube. He is now the author of his own e-book, "Beginner German with Herr Antrim". He has also been featured on numerous blogs and other sites. Find out more about Herr Antrim

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Disclaimer: This website is not connected to Herr Antrim's work at Edwardsville High School. Everything that is on this website is about the YouTube channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim" and not the classes that he teaches at EHS. All opinions, ideas, and concepts on this website are property of Herr Antrim. 

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© 2018 Herr Antrim


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