Herr AntrimTime Elements within German Sentences - Beginner German with Herr Antrim #16Hallo, Deutschlerner. Today I am going to expand upon what we learned last week about telling time in German to include some more...
Herr AntrimPresent Tense Master ClassThis year I plan to do several live lessons that are "Master Classes". The idea is that I will teach you everything you will ever need to...
Herr AntrimRainer sucht einen Job - Intermediate German with Herr Antrim Lesson #19In this video Rainer shares his experience with looking for a job in Germany. He searches online, finds some popular German job websites...
Herr AntrimGerman Numbers 1-100 - Beginner German with Herr Antrim #15Today you are going to learn how to count to 100 in German, how to tell time and how to do simple math problems all in German. Stick...
Herr AntrimRainer trifft seinen Mitbewohner - Intermediate German with Herr Antrim Lesson #18Ich habe heute mit meinem Mitbewohner gesprochen und habe ihn für euch interviewt. Jetzt könnt ihr etwas über ihn lernen. Thanks to...