Herr AntrimTop 100 Language Learning YouTube Channels 2017Every year bab.la hosts a competition to find the top 100 YouTube channels for language learners. Last year I was awarded 10th place....
Herr AntrimDative Case SkitAlmost every German teacher approaches the dative case in the same way. They talk about grammar and how the words interact within a...
Herr AntrimIm RestaurantThis week's B1/B2 skit is a scene from a restaurant in which the waiter can't get anything right. Watch his antics and learn some German...
Herr AntrimKopf, Schulter, Knie & FußAn excellent children's song to learn a few basic body parts in any language is "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes". The lyrics usually...
Herr AntrimMuttertagMother's Day is this weekend. If you want some ideas as to what you can get or do for your mother and you want to learn some German along...