Ladies and gentlemen, in the red corner those automated, impersonal A.I. giants that claim you can learn a language without ever actually talking to a real human being. In the blue corner, the undisputed heavyweight champion of the language learning world, live lessons with a native speaker that immerse you in the target language. One is a lack-luster wannabe with a pension for boring learners or making you spin your wheels until you eventually give up on learning a language all together, because you aren’t seeing the results you need. The other is a tested and proven hard-hitting, high impact lesson after lesson formula that can’t fail and is guaranteed to boost your language skills. All of their hard work comes down to this. A one-on-one cage match to see which system will teach you more in 90 days. LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!
Learning via a computer program is like walking on a treadmill. You feel like you are accomplishing something, but you never really get anywhere. You can go for miles on the treadmill, but when you get out into the real world, you can’t walk through a store without getting winded. You haven’t trained like you need to perform. It’s like training for a marathon without ever going outside and actually running. You might find some success, but you will never be at the front of the crowd and you will never win the race.
Learning via live lessons with native speakers is like training every day with a personal trainer, who runs marathons at an olympic level. They know what needs to be done in order to help you reach your goals, because they have already achieved the level you want to be at. They are with you every step of the way teaching you everything they know. You train in the same way you want to perform. You run your race every day, so when it comes time to run the race for real, you will be ready to run at the front of the pack.
Of course, the live lessons with native speakers I’m talking about are the ones you can get with Lingoda. Right now you can sign up to join the next Lingoda Language Marathon and challenge yourself to take a lesson every day for 90 days and make your language skills go through the roof. As an added bonus, if you complete all 90 lessons in 90 days, while only taking 1 lesson per day, you will get 100% of the cost of those lessons refunded back to you.
I recently started taking lessons on Lingoda myself to help boost my German skills, as I feel I’ve fallen out of practice and I need to get back to speaking more German on a regular basis and the conversations I have with Sophia aren’t really challenging my language skills. The lessons so far have been awesome. The class size is tiny. On a daily basis I personally teach upwards of 30 students in a room at a time, but with Lingoda I have only had two or three classmates at a time. This allows for each person in the group to get plenty of practice, reading, speaking and listening.
I always download the lesson materials before the class is set to take place, so I can familiarize myself with the materials. Then when the class is over, I can use these materials to make notes, flashcards, and other ways to review. The best part is, I can download all of the materials for any lesson at any time.
I can take classes whenever and wherever I want. All I need is a computer with a steady internet connection and I am ready to go. I can set up lessons based on a time of the day, I like to take classes after my kids go to bed, or I can look them up in the order that they appear in the curriculum set out by Lingoda. Each lesson is guaranteed to advance your language skills, because they have been structured around the CEFR goals by their digital learning experts.
So how do you get in on the action? The next Lingoda Language Marathon starts on May 27, 2019 and lasts until August 24, 2019. You can sign up via the link in the description. You have to participate in 30 lessons per month to get the full refund at the end or you can opt for the half marathon, which is 15 lessons per month and you can get 50% refunded at the end. You can only take one class per day and if you are doing the full marathon, you need to take a class everyday.
Obviously, the full marathon of 90 lessons in 3 months is going to take your language learning the furthest, but the half marathon is great for people like me who are busy and can’t necessarily do a lesson every single day. With the half marathon, you can simply set aside your lunch every other day, wake up an hour early or go to bed an hour later to get your lesson in. I’m taking most of my lessons at 8 or 9 at night, because my kids are already in bed at that time and as an added bonus, studies have shown you are more likely to retain the information you learn right before you go to sleep.
When you sign up it is going to ask you to pay an entry fee of €5, $6 or other currency equivalency, but with the voucher code “SPEAK17” you can waive this fee. You need to sign up by May 13 in order to take part in this marathon. You will pay for you lessons up front each month, but don’t forget you’ll get a refund of 100% or 50% of the cost at the end as long as you participate in the required number of classes. Also, you won’t be charged for the first month’s lessons until May 20. You have 14 days to change your mind between signing up and still stop your first payment or get a refund on your first payment.
Now that I have the boring stuff out of the way, click the link in the description, read a bit more about the Lingoda Language Marathon and if it sounds like something you would enjoy, sign up. Join the over 10,000 other people who have tried a Lingoda Language Marathon. Check out Lingoda’s Instagram page for language learning tips and inspiring stories from others who have taken part in a marathon. If you decide a marathon isn’t your cup of tea, you can always try out Lingoda via one of their flexible plans or book a free trial private lesson. So check it out and maybe we will have a lesson together.