It’s been almost a month since I first mentioned the Language Learning Marathon from Lingoda. If you haven’t signed up to participate in the second round of this challenge, your time is running short. Sign-up for the English language lessons has already ended and it ended earlier than expected, because there was such a high demand for the English language version of this challenge. You have until May 18th to sign up for the German lessons.
The German challenge takes place from June 1st through August 31st. During those three months you will take 90 lessons (30 each month), which are expertly planned by professional teachers at Lingoda. This is a fantastic way to boost your language skills. As the old saying goes, “A lesson a day keeps the language cobwebs away.” Ok, that’s not a real saying, but it should be. Seriously, taking a lesson every single day for three months will do wonders for your language skills.
You will have to pay for these lessons up front, but if you complete all 90 lessons in the three months and you aren’t late to a lesson or leave a lesson early, you will be refunded the entire cost for those lessons.
If you don’t think you can complete the full marathon, you can try the half marathon challenge. Then you will only complete 15 lessons per month and you will get 50% of the cost of the lessons refunded at the end. Don’t forget you can only take one lesson per day and up to 5 lessons in a week.
The full marathon is €189 per month and the half marathon is €89 per month. Like I said, you will have to pay for those 3 months of lessons up front, but you will get a full refund if you complete the full marathon and 50% of your money back if you complete the half marathon.
The first Language Marathon took place between January 1st and March 31st. Tons of people took advantage of this challenge. The feedback that Lingoda got about the marathon showed that the learners had a fantastic experience and their language skills greatly improved throughout the process.
So, stop procrastinating. Sign up for the Lingoda Language Marathon, boost your German skills and save yourself some cash along the way. Links and additional information available in the description. Click the link and use the Voucher Code “RUN4” to sign up for just $0.50 in Euros or Dollars or 60 RUB. I can’t wait to see where your German skills are in August.