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Stem-Changing Verbs Song

This week I decided to tackle the stem-changing verbs in German with a song. While the lyrics are great for this song, my singing voice is still less than stellar. Hopefully, the point of the song isn't lost in my tone-deafness. If you want to listen to the song, you can watch the video below. If you want to download it as an MP3, you can find that along with a worksheet on my Patreon page. If you want to learn more about these verbs and their changes in more depth, you should scroll past the video and learn more from this blog.

The stem-changing verbs are called that because the stem of the verb (the part without -en at the end) changes in some way. The three categories are: a-ä, e-i, and e-ie. There are only a select few verbs that take each of these stem changes, but they all follow a pretty distinct pattern. The only time that this change occurs is with the "du" and "er, sie, es" forms of the verb. All of the other forms are perfectly regular like any other verb would be. Here are a few conjugation examples, so you can see what I mean.

fahren - to drive

ich fahre - I drive

du fährst - you drive

er, sie, es fährt - he, she, it drives

wir fahren - we drive

ihr fahrt - you drive

sie, Sie fahren - they, you drive

geben - to give

ich gebe - I give

du gibst - you give

er, sie, es gibt - he, she, it gives

wir geben - we give

ihr gebt - you give

sie, Sie geben - they, you give

sehen - to see

ich sehe - I see

du siehst - you see

er, sie, es sieht - he, she, it sees

wir sehen - we see

ihr seht - you see

sie, Sie sehen - they, you see

There are a few other weird things that you have to keep in mind when working with the stem-changing verbs. If you have a verb stem that ends with a consonant that would normally require an -e to be added between the stem and the conjugated ending, but the stem changes from "a" to "ä", you do not add the -e to these forms of the verb. This doesn't happen very often, but it happens to a pretty common verb, so it is worth noting.

einladen - to invite

ich lade ein - I invite

du lädst ein - you invite

er, sie, es lädt ein - he, she, it invites

wir laden ein - we invite

ihr ladet ein - you invite

sie, Sie laden ein - they, you invite

It gets a bit weirder if the verb stem ends with -t and has a stem change from "a" to "ä". In words like that, you don't even add an ending for the "er, sie, es" form of the verb, because it already ends with a -t.

halten - to hold

ich halte - I hold

du hältst - you hold

er, sie, es hält - he, she, it holds

wir halten - we hold

ihr haltet - you hold

sie, Sie halten - they, you hold

If you are using one of these verbs in the command form, you usually keep the stem change for the "du" form of the verb, but you don't keep the stem change if the verb falls into the category of a-ä. The other command forms are not effected by the stem changes.

fahren - to drive

Fahr! (du) - Drive!

Fahrt! (ihr) - Drive

Fahren Sie! - Drive!

vorlesen - to read aloud

Lies bitte vor! (du) - Please read aloud.

Lest bitte vor! (ihr) - Please read aloud.

Lesen Sie bitte vor! - Please read aloud.

sprechen - to speak

Sprich langsam! (du) - Speak slowly.

Sprecht langsam! (ihr) - Speak slowly.

Sprechen Sie langsam! - Speak slowly.

Don't forget that if the verb stem ends with an -s or something that sounds like an -s (ß, ss, x, or z), you don't add an -s to the "du" form of the verb.

essen - to eat

ich esse - I eat

du isst - you eat

er, sie, es isst - he, she, it eats

wir essen - we eat

ihr esst - you eat

sie, Sie essen - they, you eat

lesen - to read

ich lese - I read

du liest - you read

er, sie, es liest - he, she, it reads

wir lesen - we read

ihr lest - you read

sie, Sie lesen - they, you read

And that's it really. They aren't too difficult. The most difficult part about them is remembering which verbs have this change. Personally, I just like to pick these up as I go along, but some people like to try and memorize them in some sort of list. I prefer to add new vocabulary in a more natural setting like reading a book, listening to a song, or watching a movie.


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About the Author

Herr Antrim is a German teacher with over 10 years of teaching experience. In 2011 he started his successful YouTube Channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim". In 2013 he created this website to enhance the German language lessons he was providing on YouTube. He is now the author of his own e-book, "Beginner German with Herr Antrim". He has also been featured on numerous blogs and other sites. Find out more about Herr Antrim

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Disclaimer: This website is not connected to Herr Antrim's work at Edwardsville High School. Everything that is on this website is about the YouTube channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim" and not the classes that he teaches at EHS. All opinions, ideas, and concepts on this website are property of Herr Antrim. 

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© 2018 Herr Antrim


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