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Sophia spricht Deutsch

This week I realized that I wasn't going to have enough time to edit the animated version of the Grimm fairytale "Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot", so I decided to edit something that would take less time to put together. I happened to be working on a video showcasing Sophia's German skills, so I decided to put the Grimm story on hold and work on that instead. After the video you can find instructions in German on how to make the pancakes that you can see at the end of the video.

Wie man Pfannkuchen macht:

Zutaten (Ingredients)

Mehl (Flour) - 200 Gramm (1 1/2 Cups)

Backpulver (Baking Powder) - 13 Gramm (3 1/2 Tea Spoons)

Salz (Salt) - 5 Gramm (1 Tea Spoon)

Zucker (Sugar) - 12 Gramm (1 Table Spoon)

Milch (Milk) - 300 Milliliter (1 1/4 Cups)

Ei (Egg) - 1

Geschmolzene Butter (Melted Butter) - 45 Gramm (3 Table Spoons)

Zuerst muss man die Zutaten in eine Schüssel geben. Dann verrührt man den Teig, bis er ohne Klümpchen entsteht. Dann muss man eine Pfanne heiß machen. Ich spritze etwas Kochspray auf die Pfanne, aber man kann auch etwas Butter benutzen. Gebe etwas Pfannkuchenteig in die Pfanne. Warte, bis die eine Seite braun wird. Dann wende den Pfannkuchen um die andere Seite heiß zu machen. Wenn beide Seiten schön braun sind, kann man sie essen. Ich schmiere Butter darauf und gieße Ahornsirup darüber, aber man kann auch Obst oder andere Zutaten dazugeben.


Learn German with Herr Antrim.jpeg

About the Author

Herr Antrim is a German teacher with over 10 years of teaching experience. In 2011 he started his successful YouTube Channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim". In 2013 he created this website to enhance the German language lessons he was providing on YouTube. He is now the author of his own e-book, "Beginner German with Herr Antrim". He has also been featured on numerous blogs and other sites. Find out more about Herr Antrim

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Disclaimer: This website is not connected to Herr Antrim's work at Edwardsville High School. Everything that is on this website is about the YouTube channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim" and not the classes that he teaches at EHS. All opinions, ideas, and concepts on this website are property of Herr Antrim. 

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© 2018 Herr Antrim


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Learn Germa with Herr Antrim Voted Top 15 Blogs for Learning German
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