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Reden über Schule

This week I decided it was time we finally addressed the elephant in the room. School is starting again. That means I will have less time to procrastinate before I make my videos and it means that my view counts will go up, because those who are learning German in school will be searching for resources beyond their classrooms. It also means that you might want to know some German vocabulary about school, class, and the people in your school. Today's video has that all covered. If you want a copy of the script for this video, the slides used, or a worksheet to go with it, you can support me on Patreon and get all of those things.

Below the video I have given a few tips for those who are just getting started with their school year and how they can make the most of it. Also, since this is a German learning website, I have written these tips in German and English.

Tipps für ein erfolgreiches Schuljahr - Tips for a successful school year

1: Es ist nicht genug nur in der Schule zu sein. - It is not enough to just be in school.

Man muss teilnehmen. Sprich mit den Lehrern, den Schülern, und den anderen Leuten, die in der Schule sind. Das ist nicht nur gut um Langeweile zu verhindern, sondern auch Freunde zu machen und jeden Schultag spaßvoller zu machen. Probier es einfach für die ersten zehn Schultage. Sprich jeden Tag mit mindestens 4 anderen Menschen und einer Person, die du vorher nicht gekannt hattest. Wenn du nach den ersten zehn Schultagen die Schule nicht magst, kannst du einfach machen, was du immer gemacht hast. Wenn ich Recht habe und du die Schule jetzt magst, sollst du jeden Schultag so machen. - You have to participate. Speak with your teachers, the students, and the other people in the school. This is not only to prevent boredom, but also to make new friends and to make each school day more fun. Try it for the first 10 school days. Speak with at least 4 other people and one person, whom you did not previously know. If you don't like school after the first 10 days, you can simply do what you have always done. If I am correct and you like school now, you should make every school day like this.

2: Lass dein Handy zu Hause. - Leave your cell phone at home.

Du brauchst dein Handy in der Schule nicht. Jede andere Generation hatte keine Handys. Sie haben überlebt. Dein Handy ist nur eine Ausrede um Nummer 1 auf dieser Liste nicht zu tun. Wenn deine Eltern oder andere Leute dich wirklich brauchen, können sie die Schule anrufen. Du brauchst diese Ablenkung nicht. - You don't need your cell phone at school. Every other generation had no cell phones. They survived. Your cell phone is just an excuse not to do number 1 on this list. If your parents or other people really need you, they can call the school. You don't need this distraction.

3: Hör zu. - Listen.

Viele Leute sprechen in der Schule. Nicht so viele Leute hören wirklich zu. Wenn die Lehrer sprechen, hörst du zu. Wenn deine Mitschüler Fragen haben, hörst du nicht nur den Mitschülern zu, sondern auch den Lehrern, wenn sie die Fragen beantworten. Wenn dein Freund sagt, dass er sich nicht wohl fühlt, sollst du ihm zuhören. Die anderen Leute werden dafür dankbar sein und du wirst etwas lernen. - Many people speak in school. Not so many people really listen. If the teachers speak, listen. If your classmates have questions, listen not only to your classmates, but also to the teachers when they answer the questions. If your friend says that they don't feel well, you should listen to him. The other people will appreciate that and you will learn something.

4: Tu, was die Lehrer sagen. - Do what the teachers say.

Die Lehrer geben den Schülern eine Hausaufgaben nicht auf, um zu sehen, wie gut du aushandeln kannst. Sie wollen nicht, dass du schreibst, bis die Finger bluten. Sie wollen einfach, dass du etwas lernst. Sie wissen, wie Schüler am besten lernen. Sie geben eine Hausaufgabe, um dich etwas beizubringen. Wenn du die Hausaufgaben tust, wirst du etwas lernen. Manchmal lernt man nur, dass manche Hausaufgaben sind blöd, aber manchmal lernt man etwas wertvolles. - The teachers don't give students homework in order to see how well you can negotiate. They don't want you to write until your fingers bleed. They simply want you to learn something. They know how students learn the best. They give homework in order to teach you something. If you do the homework, you will learn something. Sometimes you only learn that some homework ist stupid, but sometimes you learn something worth while.

5: Erlebe jeden Tag. - Experience every day.


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About the Author

Herr Antrim is a German teacher with over 10 years of teaching experience. In 2011 he started his successful YouTube Channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim". In 2013 he created this website to enhance the German language lessons he was providing on YouTube. He is now the author of his own e-book, "Beginner German with Herr Antrim". He has also been featured on numerous blogs and other sites. Find out more about Herr Antrim

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Disclaimer: This website is not connected to Herr Antrim's work at Edwardsville High School. Everything that is on this website is about the YouTube channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim" and not the classes that he teaches at EHS. All opinions, ideas, and concepts on this website are property of Herr Antrim. 

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© 2018 Herr Antrim


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