This week I decided to tackle the topic on everyone's mind: How to talk about Pokémon Go in German. I did two videos again this week. The first one is in English explaining the needed vocabulary and the second one is all in German. Both videos have English and German subtitles. You can click "CC" and choose your desired language. Below the videos you will find a few pictures of my own Pokémon collection at the time when I was writing this blog post. I translated a few things so you can see what the information would look like if it were to be in German.
Below you will see a list of my current Pokédex. I have caught 45 Pokémon. The ones I have caught so far and the breakdown of their names in German and English can be seen below.
Bulbasaur (bulb + saurus) - Bisasam (bi/two + Samen)
Charmander (char + salamander) - Glumanda (glühen + Salamander)
Squirtle (squirt + turtle) - Schiggy (Schildkröte)
Caterpie (caterpillar) - Raupy (Raupe)
Metapod (metamophosis + pod) - Safcon (safe + cocoon)
Weedle (worm + needle) - Hornliu (horn + liu, to make it cute)
Kakuna (cocoon) - Kakuna (Kokon)
Pidgey (pigeon) - Taubsi (Taube)
Pidgeotto (pigeon) - Taubogo (Taube)
Pidgeot (pigeon) - Tauboss (Taube + boss)
Rattata (rat) - Rattfratz (Ratte + Fratz)
Raticate (rat + eraticate) - Rattkarl (Ratte + Karl)
Spearow (spear + sparrow) - Habitak (Habicht + Attacke)
Ekans (snake backwards) - Rettan (Natter backwards)
Nidoran (female) (taken from Japanese) - Nidoran (taken from Japanese)
Nidorina (seen, but not caught) (taken from Japanese) - Nidorina (taken from Japanese
Nidoran (male) (taken from Japanese) - Nidoran (taken from Japanese)
Clefairy (clé + fairy) - Piepi (Piep + Pixie)
Jigglypuff (jiggly + puff) - Pummeluff (pummelig + fluffig)
Zubat (from Japanese, zubatto) - Zubat (from Japanese, zubatto)
Oddish (odd + radish) - Myrapla (mysteriös + plant)
Gloom (gloom) - Duflor (Duft + floris)
Paras (parasite) - Paras (parasit)
Venonat (venom + gnat) - Bluzuk (Blut + zutzeln + Insekt)
Venomoth (venom + moth) - Omot (venom + moth)
Meowth (meow + mouth) - Mauzi (Miauz)
Psyduck (seen, but not caught) (psychic + duck) - Enton (Ente + on)
Growlithe (growl + lithe) - Fukano (Funken + canis)
Poliwag (polliwog) - Quapsel (Kaulquappe + Kapsel)
Abra (seen, but not caught) (magic word) - Abra (magic word)
Bellsprout (bell + sprout) - Knofensa (Knospe + Fenchel + Samen)
Weepinbell (weeping + bell) - Ultrigaria (Utricularia)
Geodude (geo + dude) - Kleinstein (klein + Stein, Einstein pun)
Slowpoke (slowpoke, pun from slow Pokémon) - Flegmon (Phlegmatisch + Pokémon)
Doduo (dodo + duo) - Dodu (dodo + duo)
Dodrio (dodo + trio) - Dodri (dodo + trio)
Shellder (shell) - Muschas (Muschel + Wasser)
Gastly (seen, but not caught) (ghastly) - Nebulak (Nebula)
Onix (onyx) - Onix (Onyx)
Drowzee (drowsy) - Traumato (Traum + traumatisch)
Krabby (crab) - Krabby (Krabbe)
Exeggcute (execute) - Owei (Ovum + Ei, pun from "O wei")
Tangela (tangle) - Tangela (tangle)
Goldeen (goldfish + queen) - Goldfisch + mini)
Staryu (star + you) - Sterndu (Stern + du)
Scyther (scythe) - Sichlor (Sichel + Lord)
Pinsir (pincer) - Pinsir (pincer)
Eevee (evolution abbreviation) - Evoli (Evolution)
Flareon (flare + eon) - Flamara (Flamme)
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