This week's Märchen is the story of "Der Fuchs und die Gänse" (The Fox and the Geese). At the beginning of the story, the geese are said to be in a "Herde" (herd). With that in mind, I would like to take this opportunity to teach you the names of various groups of different animals. Below you can see the video for this Märchen and after the jump, I will teach you the words you need.
Since the story is about geese we will start with some types of birds. Obviously, according to the Grimm brothers, you can call a group of geese (die Gans, die Gänse) a herd (die Herde, die Herden), but you can also call them a flock (die Schar, die Scharen), as you can with most birds (der Vogel, die Vögel). Geese are also a bit weird, because you can call them a gaggle (der Schof, die Schofe or der Schoof, die Schoofe). If you have a group of doves or pigeons (die Taube, die Tauben) the Germans call them a flight (der Flug, die Flüge) or a swarm (der Schwarm, die Schwärme).
Some of these terms overlap with other animals. For example: die Herde is the name for a long list of animals including antelope (die Antilope, die Antilopen), buffalo (der Büffel, die Büffel), elephants (der Elefant, die Elefanten), giraffes (die Giraffe, die Giraffen), deer (der Hirsch, die Hirsche or das Reh, die Rehe), cows (die Kuh, die Kühe), and horses (das Pferd, die Pferde).
Fish (der Fisch, die Fische) are usually said to be in schools (die Schule, die Schulen). The German version of this word is close to the English word "swarm" (der Schwarm, die Schwärme). "Der Schwarm" can also be translated as a murder when used with crows (die Krähe, die Krähen). You can also translate it as a swarm when it is used with insects (das Insekt, die Insekten) such as ants (die Ameise, die Ameisen), bees (die Biene, die Bienen), flies (die Fliege, die Fliegen), butterflies (der Schmetterling, die Schmetterlinge), and termites (die Termite, die Termiten).
Sometimes the word "das Rudel" (die Rudel, pl) is used. This word can be translated as troop, pack, herd, or horde depending upon the animal. It is used for elk (der Elch, die Elche), dogs (der Hund, die Hunde), lions (der Löwe, die Löwen), seals (der Seehund, die Seehunde), and wolves (der Wolf, die Wölfe).
Since it may be a bit difficult to follow in the paragraphs above, I have broken down the list of groups below and the animals that are included in each one.
die Herde, die Herden - herd, flock, drove
die Antilope, die Antilopen - antelopes
der Büffel, die Büffel - buffalos
das Chinchilla, die Chinchillas - chinchillas
der Elefant, die Elefanten - elephants
der Emu, die Emus - emus
die Gans, die Gänse - geese
die Giraffe, die Giraffen - giraffe
der Hirsch, die Hirsche - deer
die Kuh, die Kühe - cows
das Pferd, die Pferde - horses
das Reh, die Rehe - deer
das Rindvieh, die Rinder - cattle
die Schar, die Scharen - flock
die Gans, die Gänse - geese
der Vogel, die Vögel - bird
der Schof, die Schofe (der Schoof, die Schoofe) - gaggle
die Gans, die Gänse - geese
der Flug, die Flüge - flight
das Rebhuhn, die Rebhühner - partridges
die Taube, die Tauben - pigeons, doves
die Conchords - the Conchords (haha)
der Schwarm, die Schwärme - swarm
der Aal, die Aale - eels
die Ameise, die Ameisen - ants
die Biene, die Bienen - bees
der Fisch, die Fische - fish
die Fliege, die Fliegen - flies
der Hering, die Heringe - herring
das Insekt, die Insekten - insects
die Taube, die Tauben - pigeons, doves
der Schmetterling, die Schmetterlinge - butterflies
die Termite, die Termiten - termites
die Schule, die Schulen - school
der Delfin, die Delfine - dolphins
der Fisch, die Fische - fish
der Karpfen, die Karpfen - carp
der Katzenfisch, die Katzenfische - catfish
der Lachs, die Lachse - salmon
die Sardine, die Sardinen - sardines
der Wal, die Wale - whales
der Zebrabärbling, die Zebrabärblinge - zebrafish
das Rudel, die Rudel - troop, pack, herd, horde
der Elch, die Elche - elk
der Hund, die Hunde - dogs
der Löwe, die Löwen - lions
der Seehund, die Seehunde - seals
der Wolf, die Wölfe - wolves
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