This weeks story on Learn German with Herr Antrim is a reboot of a very old video on my channel. I enlisted the help of Mr. Potato Head to help me teach you German body parts vocabulary. This video is a great way to learn German vocabulary while checking your listening comprehension in German.
For those of you who thought I should have said things slower or wanted to see the images I had in the video in more detail on your own time, I have uploaded the images here so you can see them in a very nice slideshow.
Here is a complete list of the body parts vocabulary in the order it is used in the video with the plurals and English versions of each.
der Körperteil, die Körperteile - body part
der Mund, die Münder - mouth
der Zahn, die Zähne - tooth
die Lippe, die Lippen - lip
die Zunge, die Zungen - tongue
das Bein, die Beine - leg
der Fuß, die Füße - foot
die Zehe, die Zehen - toe
die Hüfte, die Hüften - hip
das Knie, die Knie - knee
das Auge, die Augen - eye
das Augenlid, Augenlider - eyelid
die Nase, die Nasen - nose
der Schnurrbart, die Schnurrbärte - mustache
das Gesicht, die Gesichter - face
das Ohr, die Ohren - ear
die Hand, die Hände - hand
der Arm, die Arme - arm
der Finger, die Finger - finger
die Schulter, die Schultern - shoulder
der Ellenbogen, die Ellenbogen - elbow
das Haar, die Haare - hair
der Bauch, die Bäuche - stomach
die Brust, die Brüste - chest
In addition to the vocabulary you can learn about the body parts, there is also a lot of vocabulary used about the things that each of the body parts do. I incorporated a lot of verbs that illustrated the things Mr. Potato Head can't do without those particular body parts. Here is a list of those verbs in the order that they show up in the video with the body parts required to use that verb.
sprechen - to speak (der Mund - die Zunge, die Zähne, die Lippen)
stehen - to stand (die Beine, die Füße, die Zehen)
laufen - to run (die Beine, die Füße, die Zehen)
Fahrrad fahren - to ride a bicycle (die Beine, die Füße, die Zehen)
pfeifen - to whistle (die Lippen)
sehen - to see (die Augen)
zwinkern - to wink (die Augenlider)
riechen - to smell (die Nase)
hören - to hear (die Ohren)
ziehen - to pull (die Hände, die Arme, die Ellenbogen, die Schultern)
If you haven't already seen this video and you want to learn all of this vocabulary from Mr. Potato Head, I have attached it below this blog post. Let me know in the comments if you have any ideas for videos that I can do that would teach you a lot of vocabulary in a short amount of time.
What's Next?
The next story I plan on uploading will come out in 3 weeks. It will be a story about some children going on a field trip to a farm. I will teach you some German vocabulary about animals and farms.
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