Herr AntrimQuestion Word Order & Question Words - Beginner German with Herr Antrim Lesson #10Hallo, Deutschlerner. In the last video I showed you some of the basic questions you might be asked in Germany when you are visiting....
Herr AntrimPresent Tense Regular Conjugation - Beginner German with Herr Antrim Lesson #8.2The last video showed you all of the German subject pronouns and introduced you to the idea of getting your verb to match your subject....
Herr AntrimPräteritum mit "haben" & "sein" - Intermediate German with Herr Antrim LessoDie zwei wichtigsten Verben in der deutschen Sprache sind “haben” und “sein”. Ihr habt diese Verben schon im Präsens und im Perfekt...
Herr AntrimGerman Subject Pronouns - Beginner German with Herr Antrim Lesson #8.1Today we are going to finally get the entire list of subject pronouns in German. We have already talked about quite a few of them, but...
Herr AntrimRelativpronomen & Relativsätze - Intermediate German with Herr Antrim Lesson #9In den letzten zwei Grammatik-Lektionen habe ich über unterordnende Konjunktionen gesprochen, aber diese Wörter sind nicht die Einzigen,...