Herr AntrimVorsorgeuntersuchungA: Doktor Antrims Arztpraxis, Fred am Apparat. B: Hier ist Levi Antrim. A: Guten Tag, Herr Antrim. Was kann ich für Sie tun? B: Ich...
Herr AntrimGerman IntensifiersThis week's B1/B2 video is about German intensifiers. They are little words that change the degree to which something is the way that it...
Herr AntrimGuests & Hosting in GermanyIf you are going to be a guest in a German home or you are planning on hosting a German in your home, you may be curious about some of...
Herr AntrimStellenanzeigenIf you are looking in a German newspaper or a site online that shows job openings, you will need a bit of specialized vocabulary to...
Herr Antrim5 gruselige MärchenIn preparation for Halloween and in celebration of Friday the 13th, I uploaded a video this week about 5 of the most gruesome fairy...