Herr AntrimSportA: Welche Sportart betreibst du? B: Ich spiele gern Tennis, Tischtennis und Federball beziehungsweise Badminton. A: In diesen Spielen...
Herr AntrimMein... tut mir weh!A: Aua! Mein Bein tut mir weh! B: Was hast du getan? A: Ich bin gegen meinen Tisch gelaufen. B: Ooo. Das muss weh tun. A: Mutti, mein...
Herr AntrimGerman JobsThis week's A1/A2 Video gives you a quick overview of some of the most popular jobs in Germany. With this video you can learn the names...
Herr AntrimGerman DirectionsThis week's A1/A2 Video is all about getting and giving directions in German. In this skit I ask for directions to various places around...
Herr AntrimMonths, Holidays & Seasons in GermanHow do you say the months of the year in German? What are some famous German holidays? What are the seasons in German? How do you form...