This bundle includes the video scripts, mp3s, worksheets, and answer keys for all of the videos in the Intermediate German series that cover conjunctions. This includes both coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. The list of conjunctions includes: und, aber, oder, denn, wenn, als, ob, falls, bevor, ehe, bis, sobald, da, damit, dass, indem, nachdem, obgleich, obschon, obwohl, seitdem, solang, sooft, während and weil. All of the worksheets have a section requiring students to combine sentences using these conjunctions. The first subordinating conjunction worksheet also includes a translation exercise from English to German and the second subordinating conjuction worksheet includes a fill-in-the-blank activity using the conjunctions in that lesson. The video scripts, worksheets and answer keys are PDFs. The video links can be found below.
#3 - nebenordnende Konjunktionen
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