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Get this entire bundle for FREE by using the Coupon Code "3MDFREE"


Long before Herr Antrim started his Patreon page, he was already 32 episodes into a grammar series called "3 Minuten Deutsch". The series was designed to be short grammar lessons about all kinds of topics. Since the series started before Herr Antrim's Patreon page, there aren't any materials for the episodes #1-32. This bundle includes the script for every video starting at #33 and going through the last episode #69. Starting with episode #43 the slides used in each video are included. Starting with #47 there are worksheets included for each topic with an answer key. Since this series is finished in March of 2017, Herr Antrim has decided to make these materials available to the public for free! Enjoy. The topics covered in the materials included in this bundle can be found listed below. 


#33 - Possessive Articles 

#34 - Genitive Possession 

#35 - Genitive Prepositions 

#36 - Two-Way Prepositions 

#37 - Present Perfect (Perfekt) with Regular Verbs 

#38-41 - Present Perfect (Perfekt) with Irregular Verbs

#42 - Simple Past with "sein" 

#43 - Simple Past with "haben" 

#44 - Simple Past of Modal Auxiliaries 

#45 - Simple Past Regular Verbs 

#46-47 - Simple Past with Irregular Verbs 

#48 - Past Perfect (Plusquamperfekt) 

#49 - Future Perfect 

#51 - Timeline of Tenses 

#52 - Coordinating Conjunctions 

#53-54 - Subordinating Conjunctions 

#55 - Two-Part Conjunctions 

#56 - Relative Pronouns 

#57-64 - Adjectives 

#65 - Passive Voice Present Tense

#66 - Passive Voice Past Tense 

#67 - Passive Voice Future Tense 

#68 - Konjunktiv 2 with "hätten" and "wären" 

#69 - Konjunktiv 2 with "würden"


The full series of videos can be found here. 

FREE! 3 Minuten Deutsch Bundle

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    Disclaimer: This website is not connected to Herr Antrim's work at Edwardsville High School. Everything that is on this website is about the YouTube channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim" and not the classes that he teaches at EHS. All opinions, ideas, and concepts on this website are property of Herr Antrim. 

    Click to contact Herr Antrim via email

    © 2018 Herr Antrim


    Learn German with Herr Antrim Voted #6 Best YouTube Channel for Learnig a Languge
    Learn Germa with Herr Antrim Voted Top 15 Blogs for Learning German
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