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Present Tense of "sein" - Beginner German with Herr Antrim Lesson #12

sein - to be

ich bin - I am

du bist - you are

er, sie, es ist - he, she, it is

wir sind - we are

ihr seid - you are

sie, Sie sind - they, you are

This video is sponsored by Lingoda. Time is running out if you want to take part in the latest Lingoda Language Marathon. You only have until January 14th to sign up. Take 90 lessons in 90 days and get a full refund at the end or take 45 lessons in 90 days and get a 50% refund in the end. Jumpstart your new year with a giant leap in your language skills. Click here to join and find out more details or here for the original announcement video about this offer.

You can use “sein” with an adjective to describe people and things.

Ich bin hübsch. - I am handsome. Du bist klug. - You are smart. Er ist stark. - He is strong. Wir sind fleißig. - We are hard working. Ihr seid faul. - You are lazy. Sie sind rothaarig. - They are red-haired.

Simply add the nationality of the person or persons to the sentence to describe them that way. Just don’t use an article like “ein” or “eine”.

Ich bin Amerikaner. - I am an American. Du bist Deutscher. - You are a German. Sie ist Schweizerin. - She is Swiss. Wir sind Österreicher. - We are Austrians. Ihr seid Franzosen. - You are French. Sie sind Spanier. - They are Spaniards.

A: Ich bin amerikanisch. - I am American.

B: NEIN! Das sagt man nicht so. Sag lieber “Ich bin Amerikaner.” Du bist nicht amerikanisch. Dein Akzent ist amerikanisch. Dein Auto ist amerikanisch. Aber du bist Amerikaner. - NO! You don't say that like that. Say instead "I am an American." You are not American. Your accent is American. Your car is American. But you are an American."

If you are looking for the German names for other nationalities, I have a video linked in the corner of this video that I made a while ago that showcases several of the popular countries my viewers live in.

You can do the same thing with occupations. Again, no articles like “ein” or “eine”.

Ich bin Lehrer. - I am a teacher. Bist du Anwältin? - Are you a lawyer (female)? Er ist Schauspieler. - He is an actor. Wir sind Verkäufer. - We are salespeople. Seid ihr Krankenpfleger? - Are you nurses? Meine Brüder sind Mechaniker. - My brothers are mechanics.

If you are identifying an object, you do need an article. If you want to say “the”, use “der”, “die”, or “das” based on the gender of the noun. If you want to say “a” or “an” and the noun is masculine or neuter, use “ein”. If it is feminine, use “eine”. If it is plural, you often don’t need an article, but if you need/want to say “the”, say “die”.

Ich bin ein Mann. - I am a man. Du bist eine Frau. - You are a woman. Das ist ein Pferd. - That is a horse. Der Mann ist der Verbrecher. - The man is the criminal. Die Frau ist die Mutter. - The woman is the mother. Wir sind das Volk. - We are the people. Ihr seid Kinder. - You are all children. Das sind die Stühle. - These are the chairs.

Fun Fact of the Day: “sein” is one of two verbs in the German language which can have two subjects. For example: All of the examples in the last group of examples.

Again, I’d like to thank my sponsor, Lingoda. They have lessons to fit whatever your needs may be. If you are learning German (or even French, Spanish or English for that matter), they have the lessons and materials you need to be successful in your foreign language goals. Click this link and check them out.


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About the Author

Herr Antrim is a German teacher with over 10 years of teaching experience. In 2011 he started his successful YouTube Channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim". In 2013 he created this website to enhance the German language lessons he was providing on YouTube. He is now the author of his own e-book, "Beginner German with Herr Antrim". He has also been featured on numerous blogs and other sites. Find out more about Herr Antrim

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Disclaimer: This website is not connected to Herr Antrim's work at Edwardsville High School. Everything that is on this website is about the YouTube channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim" and not the classes that he teaches at EHS. All opinions, ideas, and concepts on this website are property of Herr Antrim. 

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© 2018 Herr Antrim


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