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Present Perfect Irregular Verbs: The -ei Swap

This week's 3 Minuten Deutsch episode is another video about the irregular verbs in the present perfect tense in German. This week I decided to tackle the verbs that change from -ei in the stem of the infinitive to -ie in the stem of the past participle. There are a lot of verbs in this category, but I have chosen some of the more popular ones to put in the video. Of course, as I have done in the past several videos of 3 Minuten Deutsch, there are two videos embedded below. The first one is in English and the second one is in German with English and German subtitles. There are more examples that weren't in the video below the videos.

bleiben - ist geblieben - to stay, remain

Das Kind bleibt im Bett bis morgen. - The child is staying in bed until tomorrow.

Das Kind ist im Bett bis morgen geblieben. - The child stayed in bed.

gedeihen - hat gediehen - to flourish

Die Tomaten gedeihen in meinem Garten. - The tomatoes are flourishing in my garden.

Die Tomaten sind in meinem Garten gediehen. - The tomatoes flourished in my garden.

leihen - hat geliehen - to loan

Der Lehrer leiht dem Schüler einen Bleistift. - The teacher is loaning the student a pencil.

Der Lehrer hat dem Schüler einen Bleistift geliehen. - The teacher loaned the student a pencil.

meiden - hat gemieden - to avoid

Der Taxifahrer meidet den dichten Verkehr. - The taxi driver is avoiding the traffic.

Der Taxifahrer hat den dichten Verkehr gemieden. - The taxi driver avoided the traffic.

reiben - hat gerieben - to rub

Ich reibe mir morgens die Augen. - I rub my eyes in the morning.

Ich habe mir morgens die Augen gerieben. - I rubbed my eyes in the morning.

scheiden - hat geschieden - to part

Die Eltern scheiden sich. - The parents are divorcing.

Die Eltern haben sich geschieden. - The parents divorced.

scheinen - hat geschienen - to shine

Die Sonne scheint heute nicht. - The sun isn't shining today.

Die Sonne hat heute nicht geschienen. - The sun didn't shine today.

schreien - hat geschrien - to scream

Das Baby schreit in dem Geschäft. - The baby is screaming in the store.

Das Baby hat in dem Geschäft geschrien. - The baby screamed in the store.

schweigen - hat geschwiegen - to be silent

Die Schüler schweigen zu allem. - The students are completely silent.

Die Schüler haben zu allem geschwiegen. - The students were completely silent.

speien - hat gespieen - to spew

Der Drachen speit Feuer. - The dragon is spewing fire.

Der Drachen hat Feuer gespieen. - The dragon spewed fire.

steigen - ist gestiegen - to climb

Ich steige nie aus dem Bett. - I am never getting out of bed.

Ich bin nie aus dem Bett gestiegen. - I never got out of bed.

verzeihen - hat verziehen - to forgive

Die Frau verzeiht ihrem Freund seine Fehler. - The woman is forgiving her boyfriend his mistakes.

Die Frau hat ihrem Freund seine Fehler verziehen. - The woman forgave her boyfriend his mistakes.


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About the Author

Herr Antrim is a German teacher with over 10 years of teaching experience. In 2011 he started his successful YouTube Channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim". In 2013 he created this website to enhance the German language lessons he was providing on YouTube. He is now the author of his own e-book, "Beginner German with Herr Antrim". He has also been featured on numerous blogs and other sites. Find out more about Herr Antrim

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Disclaimer: This website is not connected to Herr Antrim's work at Edwardsville High School. Everything that is on this website is about the YouTube channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim" and not the classes that he teaches at EHS. All opinions, ideas, and concepts on this website are property of Herr Antrim. 

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© 2018 Herr Antrim


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