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Present Perfect with Irregular Verbs: The -en Change

Last time I did a 3 Minuten Deutsch video, I decided to record two versions. The first one was in English, like always and the second one was in German with English and German subtitles. This week, I decided to do the same. The example sentences in each video are the same, but the explanations are a bit different. You can see both videos below. The first one is in English and the second is in German. In these videos, I talk about some very specific irregular verbs in the present perfect tense. These verbs simply take -en instead of -t at the end of the past participle. Under the videos, you can find more verbs that weren't in the video and more examples of how to use these verbs.

loslassen - to let go

Elsa lässt es los. - Elsa is letting it go.

Elsa hat es losgelassen. - Elsa let it go.

fangen - to catch

Der Junge fängt den Ball. - The boy catches the ball.

Der Junge hat den Ball gefangen. - The boy caught the ball.

anfangen - to start

Das Spiel fängt um 3 Uhr an. - The game starts at 3 o'clock.

Das Spiel hat um 3 Uhr angefangen. - The game started at 3 o'clock.

anrufen - to call

Meine Mutter ruft mich zu oft an. - My mother calls me too often.

Meine Mutter hat mich nicht oft genug angerufen. - My mother didn't call me often enough.

heißen - to be called

Ich heiße Herr Antrim. - I am called Mr. Antrim.

In der High School habe ich "Zeus" geheißen. - In high school, I was called "Zeus".

schlagen - to strike, hit

Der Baseballspieler schlägt den Baseball mit dem Baseballschläger. - The baseball player is hitting the baseball with the baseball bat.

Der Baseballspieler hat den Baseball mit dem Baseballschläger geschlagen. - The baseball player hit the baseball with the baseball bat.

tragen - to carry, wear

Ich trage jeden Tag eine Krawatte. - I wear a tie every day.

Ich habe jeden Tag eine Krawatte getragen. - I wore a tie every day.

lesen - to read

Der faule Junge liest das Buch nicht. - The lazy boy isn't reading the book.

Der faule Junge hat das Buch nicht gelesen. - The lazy boy didn't read the book.

treten - to step, kick

Der Fußballspieler tretet den Ball. - The soccer player is kicking the ball.

Der Fußballspieler hat den Ball getreten. - The soccer player kicked the ball.

What's next?

The next episode of 3 Minuten Deutsch will be released in a couple of weeks. I will talk about more irregular verbs then. There are several patterns I want to isolate over the next several weeks to make it easier for you to memorize some German verbs that you can use in the present perfect tense. Test your knowledge in the comments on my website, in the discussion forum, or in the comments on YouTube.

Irregular German Verbs with Perfekt


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About the Author

Herr Antrim is a German teacher with over 10 years of teaching experience. In 2011 he started his successful YouTube Channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim". In 2013 he created this website to enhance the German language lessons he was providing on YouTube. He is now the author of his own e-book, "Beginner German with Herr Antrim". He has also been featured on numerous blogs and other sites. Find out more about Herr Antrim

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Disclaimer: This website is not connected to Herr Antrim's work at Edwardsville High School. Everything that is on this website is about the YouTube channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim" and not the classes that he teaches at EHS. All opinions, ideas, and concepts on this website are property of Herr Antrim. 

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© 2018 Herr Antrim


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