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Possessive Articles

In this week's episode of 3 Minuten Deutsch I talked about the possessive articles. You can see the video below, but I was a little short on examples. I would like to fix that in this blog post. Below the video you can find the slides I used for the video and below that you can find more examples using each of the possessive articles in a variety of cases with a variety of genders.

For simplicity sake I will give you a few more examples with a variety of cases with each of the possessives. I hope this clears up how to use them.

These examples all use "mein" with the masculine noun, "Hund". They are used in the order: nominative, accusative, dative.

Mein Hund schläft den ganzen Tag. - My dog sleeps the entire day.

Warum magst du meinen Hund nicht? - Why don't you like my dog?

Was gibst du meinem Hund? - What are you giving my dog?

These examples all use "dein" with the feminine noun, "Schwester". They are used in the order: nominative, accusative, dative.

Deine Schwester ist schön. - Your sister is pretty.

Ich mag deine Schwester. - I like your sister.

Darf ich mit deiner Schwester ausgehen? - May I go out with your sister?

These examples all use "sein" with the neuter noun "Fenster". They are used in the order: nominative, accusative, dative.

Sein Fenster ist kaputt. - Its window is broken.

Repariert er sein Fenster? - Is he repairing his window?

Der Junge wirft den Ball aus seinem Fenster. - The boy is throwing the ball out of his window.

These examples all use "ihr" with the plural noun, "Kinder". They are used in the same order as before.

Ihre Kinder sind süß. - Her/Their/Your children are cute. (In this sentence what is meant by "Ihre" is ambiguous, because we can't tell without context to whom the children belong.)

Sie füttert ihre Kinder. - She feeds her children.

Sie gibt ihren Kindern ein paar Bonbons. - She gives her children a few pieces of candy.

These examples all use "unser" with the masculine noun "Vater". They are used in the same order as before.

Unser Vater ist glatzköpfig. - Our father is bald.

Dieser Fernseher ist für uns(e)ren Vater. - This television is for our father. (The "e" before "r" in "unser" can be dropped in this sentence, but it is also OK to leave it in.

Wir helfen uns(e)rem Vater mit der Arbeit. - We are helping our father with the work. (Again, the "e" could be removed, but it is also OK to leave it in.

These examples use "euer" with the feminine noun "Mutter". They are used in the same order as before.

Eu(e)re Mutter ist da. - You mother is there.

Mögt ihr eu(e)re Mutter? - Do you like your mother?

Was gibt ihr eu(e)rer Mutter zum Geburtstag? - What are you giving your mother for her birthday?

The other forms of the possessives overlap with the examples I already have given in this post, because there is no difference in the spelling of the three "ihr" possessives and there is really no need to separate them out for the examples. The point is that they take the same endings as the "ein-words" and you have to match the proper possessive with the person or groups of people who are possessing something.

What's next?

Next week I will start talking about the genitive case. I will show you how to use it to express possession. I will also show you how to use this with these possessive articles that you learned this week.


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About the Author

Herr Antrim is a German teacher with over 10 years of teaching experience. In 2011 he started his successful YouTube Channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim". In 2013 he created this website to enhance the German language lessons he was providing on YouTube. He is now the author of his own e-book, "Beginner German with Herr Antrim". He has also been featured on numerous blogs and other sites. Find out more about Herr Antrim

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Disclaimer: This website is not connected to Herr Antrim's work at Edwardsville High School. Everything that is on this website is about the YouTube channel "Learn German with Herr Antrim" and not the classes that he teaches at EHS. All opinions, ideas, and concepts on this website are property of Herr Antrim. 

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© 2018 Herr Antrim


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