Herr AntrimSchneeweißchen und Rosenrot: Teil 1This week I finally got around to animating Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot (Snow White and Rose Red) (not this Snow White), but...
Herr AntrimSubordinating Conjunction Rules in GermanIn this week's 3 Minuten Deutsch episode, I explained the rules for Hauptsätze and Nebensätze in German as it pertains to subordinating...
Herr AntrimWhat is Tag der Deutschen Einheit?Tag der Deutschen Einheit is "Day of German Unity", which is essentially Germany's version of the 4th of July. It is the day that they...
Herr AntrimFlashAcademy ReviewThis week I had a chance to take a look at FlashSticks' new app called "FlashAcademy". It is a major upgrade from the last time I...
Herr AntrimCoordinating Conjunctions in GermanThis week's 3 Minuten Deutsch episode is the first in a series of videos about conjunctions. This week I talked about coordinating...