Herr AntrimSubordinating Conjunction Rules in GermanIn this week's 3 Minuten Deutsch episode, I explained the rules for Hauptsätze and Nebensätze in German as it pertains to subordinating...
Herr AntrimCoordinating Conjunctions in GermanThis week's 3 Minuten Deutsch episode is the first in a series of videos about conjunctions. This week I talked about coordinating...
Herr AntrimAuf der Mauer, an der Wand, über dem ZaunThis week's German song is one that I have always found to be a very cute song even though it is about a bug. "Auf der Mauer, auf der...
Herr AntrimThe German TensesIn this week's 3 Minuten Deutsch episode I recapped the tenses that I have covered in the series. I did this using a timeline that shows...
Herr AntrimFuture Perfect (Futur 2)This week I covered the last of the tenses I will be covering in the 3 Minuten Deutsch series, the future perfect (Futur 2). In the...