Herr AntrimMastering the German Case SystemMastering the German Case System is one of the most complicated parts of learning German. Nominative, Accusative, Dative & Genitive?!?
Herr AntrimRammstein - Deutschland: German Grammar Lyrics AnalysisWhat can Rammstein’s new single “Deutschland” teach you about German grammar? That’s right. I’m jumping onto the bandwagon. Sure I’m a...
Herr AntrimWechselpräpositionen mit Dativ und Akkusativ - You're Doing It WRONG!Last week I told you that your German teacher taught you the Perfekt tense incorrectly or at the very least inaccurately. Now I am going...
Herr Antrimdas Perfekt mit haben oder sein - You're Doing It WRONG!Your German teacher is great. Probably one of your favorite teachers of all time. They taught you a lot of cool things about the German...
Herr AntrimAccusative Case Master ClassGet a worksheet with answer key to go with this video by clicking here. In order to understand how to use the accusative case and why you...